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Article: International Women's Day Soiree 2021

International Women's Day Soiree 2021

International Women's Day Soiree 2021

For IWD2021, we had the pleasure of again attending the Une Piece International Women’s Day Soiree. Our director Danielle is one of the 23 female founders that make this incredible event happen and is something we are so proud to be a part of. 

Not only does this event celebrate and support local business, it fosters genuine connections and empowerment… allowing women space to share their wisdom and lift one another up.  

The IWD Soiree supports Women's Legal Service Queensland and also serves to educate the community on the services they provide to women in our state. This specialist community legal centre provides free legal and social work help to people who live and identify as women in Queensland. In the last financial year the Service answered 10,459 helpline calls and provided 40,762 services. 












CEO Angela Lynch gave a very moving speech, sharing heartbreaking statistics about the prevalence of violence against women and the work that their legal service provides to ensure all women have access to professional services and support in order to remove themselves from dangerous situations. 

Take this as a reminder to check in with the women in your life and see how you can support one another. We often default to assuming all is well when you don’t hear from someone in a while, or perhaps their social media has gone quiet… or even gone into overdrive in an attempt to mask the reality. 


After absorbing and reflecting on Angela’s words, we were treated to a feminista powerhouse performance by the starlets of Opera Queensland. 

From the dk active team to the female identifying people of the world… you go girl.