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Article: Three Part Yoga Yoga Series - Week Two

Three Part Yoga Yoga Series - Week Two

Three Part Yoga Yoga Series - Week Two


Spending all day bound to your desk can definitely wreak a little havoc on your hip flexors and glutes. Anyone who's tried their very first pigeon pose can definitely attest to this! 

We welcomed back Sam of Priti Yogi for Week Two of our three part yoga mini-series in the lead up to International Yoga Day.

If you missed week one, or want an extra warm up, click here for our first practice. 



Asana List:

Tadasana // Mountain Pose
Uttansana // Forward Fold
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana // Upward Facing Dog 
Adho Mukha Svanasana  // Downward Facing Dog
Anjaneyasana // Low Lunge
Adho Mukha Svanasana  // Downward Facing Dog
Anjaneyasana // Low Lunge
Adho Mukha Svanasana  // Downward Facing Dog
Malasana // Squat
Adho Mukha Svanasana  // Downward Facing Dog
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana // Upward Facing Dog 
Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasana // Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward Bend
Badhha Konasana // Butterfly Pose
Supta Matsyendrasana // Supine Spinal Twist 
Ananda Balasana // Happy Baby Pose


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Sam is an animal loving yoga teacher with a passion for teaching people around the world how to live in abundance of freedom, health, wealth, and happiness! You can find more information on her website, or follow her on Instagram